One of the fundamental issues experienced with creating a new character for every topic is the rate at which threads are prone to turnover, at least in this age of roleplaying where this instance appears more common than not. It becomes an exercise in tediousness, that each and every time there is a reasonable chance of a character that was strongly desired to be played that they will become irrelevant in short order. As no real progress or anything of merit will be done with them before the topic is likely to capsize and now said character is shelved, potentially indefinitely. So I believe it is not exactly possible to [i]not[/i] make disposable characters when that is the new norm. For me, this practice not only rubs the fur the wrong way and irks me to no end - I come from the days when people were one character and were associated almost exclusively with that character - as it is effectively a waste of time. Why so? If one goes through all the trouble of making a character they wish to play but the topic is likely to die, that investment of intellectual and creative energy is going to be mostly spent. Some elements of that character via the inner desire to manifest them may still linger and be repurposed, but in the end the majority of what was done becomes just words on a screen at that point, devoid of anything of value; not much connection was really to be had unless the author struck gold for themselves in developing that character, which is of course rare. Personally, I am fatigued with creating characters and trying to make each one new, novel, and distinct when I rarely will ever have the chance of playing them for longer than a few weeks. Owing to this, I would prefer to have just one, perhaps two at [i]absolute[/i] most again, and commit to them here. All in all, it is reasonably for the best to make a few general templates of characters who can stand-in for various genres with only a minor amount of alteration, as it is more courteous to make characters who fit into topics rather than just wedge one's ongoing characters in without canon appropriate changes. Again, speaking only for myself, I wish more did this and at such a point I myself am likely to resign to this standard given the issue of turnover, [@Mistiel]. No complaints to be had here if you choose to do so and I hope that more follow.