WIP Name: Yvonne Vandolas Age: 18 Bounty: 12,000,000 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/06/40/51/064051339e697ad5e024a28a182eb608.jpg[/img] Personality: Upon first meeting Yvonne meaning would assume her to be cold, and aloof. Uninterested in the world around her, but that couldn't be further from the truth. She's keenly aware of her surroundings along with those who exist within in it. She's curious to the point of fault. She's a highly motivated worker, when she wants to be, and often times loses herself in her projects or experiments. Like her character, Yvonne's morals also cause confusion, even among those who know her best. This is because she tends to see things in shades of gray as opposed to black or white, as everything is in a state of flux. She's also highly pragmatic, always certain the ends may justify the means. Though despite her utilitarian ideals, Yvonne isn't above showing off or becoming flustered if her creations don't work the way she hopes. Backstory: Yvonne spent her formative years on a small island where her skills and intelligence quickly caught the eye of the world government. After which she was moved to one of their high level labs were she was educated. After learning everything she could from the resources allotted to her, Yvonne was put on various R&D projects which were quickly brought to fruition thanks to Yvonne's capable hands. It was during one such project "the Trinity Garden" where she became disillusioned with the world government), and not only planned, and carried out her escape, but crippled any and all future hopes of anyone ever using the new weapon system again. Abilities: [i]Genius level intellect-[/i]Even by the brightest minds at the World Government's disposal Yvonne is considered a superior intellect. Her intellect, when coupled with her imagination and dogged determination means that there's not much in the way of physically possible that she can't do, and a few things that should be physically possible which she's managed. [i]Engineering-[/i]Yvonne is a master of engineering and is constantly tinkering with whatever she can get her hands on. [b]Items[/b] JALOH- Five robots which can be formed into a single entity. Each robot comes equipped with a tracker, camera, and simple AI which can handle rudimentary tasks. The JALOH units can be controlled via a pair of special gloves which Yvonne keeps on her person at all time. She also wears special glasses which when activated can show her: each units location, stats, or allow her to see through a unit's camera feed. [hider=JALOH] [img]https://aa1a5178aef33568e9c4-a77ea51e8d8892c1eb8348eb6b3663f6.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/p/full/37b4d608-c93e-4b89-b4b6-94ded7dc1d98.jpg[/img] Height: 7ft Abilities: -Immense strength and durability -Energy slash -Reflect slash [/hider] [hider=Jack] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mmpr/images/f/fc/SabertoothTigerDinozord.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101002070940[/img] [/hider] [hider=Ash] [img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/8bkAAOSwo-Vb~ytc/s-l640.jpg[/img] -Twin flamethrowers kept inside its mouth [/hider] [hider=Lemon] [img]http://www.morphinlegacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Triceratops-Dinozord.jpg[/img] -Can launch its horns with cables[/hider] [hider=Orion] [img]https://familyguyaddicts.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/image342.jpg?w=300&h=198[/img] -Carries a payload of six-medium yield explosives [/hider] [hider=Hagar] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b4/4f/5f/b44f5f68aef42e68a6d8c6df29e44c8b.jpg[/img] -Expels liquid nitrogen from its tusk(limited supply) [/hider] Relationships: Dreams: To put an end to the world government's current hierarchy, and create something splendid which will stand the test of time.