[hider=Auron Lockhart] Name: Auron Lockhart Age: 19 Sex: Male Race: Human Appearance: [hider=Auron][img]https://scontent-lhr3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/43414e3013c6d669722526a9df37b84a/5CDAFF4E/t51.2885-15/e35/50032372_292475544801738_2244957217375321701_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-lhr3-1.cdninstagram.com&se=7&ig_cache_key=MTk2NzczNTk1ODkzMzkwOTM4MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/hider] Basically that but without the glasses or piercings. Occupation: Almost like a coast guard. Oversees trade at the port town he lives in, handles any trouble and deters pirates. Skills: Auron favors physical attacks and hasn't dabbled too much in magic. He's a swordsman at heart, the only weapon he's really used in his line of work. Other than that he's particularly strong, mildly dexterous, and has a bit of stamina and hardiness. From living in a coasal town he has most of the knowledge and skills a sailor or "police-man" would know, such as tying knots, living on the sea and handling a boat, knowledge of the law system, etc. Description: Born and raised in his how town of the Storm Coast, Auron is a respectable, dependable, and hard working man. He has a strong sense of justice and doing what's right, and he's chosen his career path to fit just that. He does his job well and he puts as much effort as he can, knowing that what he does help's the world around him. Brave, honest, and kind-hearted, he would give the shirt off his back for anybody who needed it, and will always defend those who cannot defend themselves. Nothing was handed to him in life, and he respects others who also work hard in their profession. However, meeting lots of people in the port town of his, he's very open minded. Point of Interest: The Storm Coast is the home of Auron and a bustling city-state. It makes a majority of it's income off of trade and harvesting fish and the like from the sea. It gets it's nickname from the nasty storms it gets from time to time, making the storm coast not much of a vacation place. Most come and go, but the inhabitants are hardy. Mostly human, they have grown and adapted to hard conditions, and most work a blue collar, working/middle class life.[/hider]