[b][u]Lightning Bug Underground Lab, [VR]Cade, Coast City February 28th, 6:00 PM[/u][/b] Jessie set down her container of lo mien and scrambled for her notebook, scribbling down more ideas for future projects as reruns of The Office blared in the background. She had to hand it to Arsenal and the MARAUDER, that project had gotten her back into the groove of things. In addition to a bunch of new custom sims upstairs, she had tentatively reopened her commissioning process for metahuman tech and had been putting together some small 'quality of life' improvements for the local metahuman populace. Anything to endear her to her peers after all! A small whirring buzz alerted Jessie to the presence of one of her drones entering the room. [color=630460]"Yes, I'm still eating and watching that!"[/color] She called over her shoulder. [color=630460]"I will also not hesitate to decommission you if you take away my food!"[/color] "Sorry Miss Beedle, this is actually business..." The familiar robotic voice of Amy called out. "It seems someone with a burner email account has gained access to your private email, and is reaching out to you with a job." Jessie paused for a moment, weighing the possibilities. It could be a hacker, someone looking for blackmail. Could be a sting. Could be a jealous rival. Or... It could be [i]interesting[/i]... [color=630460]"Computer! Pause playback, bring up new emails!"[/color] After a moment of parsing through the archaic language present in the body of the email itself, as well as running the attached images through every filter and reverse search possible, Jessie was... [i]Interested[/i] [b][i]To: Goldfinger007@clone.clone From: GirlGeniusJ355@ihavemyownemailservice.pizza Subject: RE: Business Proposition Body: First of all, no way am I copying that burner email every time, have a new address on the house. Don't worry, it's completely secure from prying eyes, I made sure to check all the loopholes. And yes, that includes the one you found that let you in on my email in the first place. Good job with that beeteedubs, you managed to impress me. Of course, the job and payment impressed me more, which is why we're now speaking. I'll let you know up front, I've never attempted cloning tech before, but I have some resources at my disposal which make me confident I can pull it off. And realistically, if I can't do it, nobody can. I'll need some time to build and test everything, though I know you want this done quick. How quick are we talking? As long as I can test just enough to prove the concept, I can bend my ethics enough to move to human trials. Also, you say you're looking for an 'adult aged' clone, but that's a big window of time, do you have ideal age range? Excited to work with you! --Jessie[/i][/b] [@Bluetommy]