Ducking her head out of instinct, Angeline crouched back behind her cover. [i]What the hell was even going on out there? What did Ronan do this time?[/i] She slowly peeked her head back up, careful not to get another hole in her skull. One that wasn't supposed to be there mind you. Dinos. She saw what she could only explain as dinos. [color=ed145b]"Where the hell did these things come from? Who the hell keeps dinos around? What the actual fuck is actually going on?"[/color] She held her finger to her ear to radio Ronan, [color=ed145b]"Yo, Broody, what the fuck are these things? Are we seriously shooting at fucking dinos?"[/color] Angeline watched as the others were gunning them down as best as possible. The siblings were trying their best to not get their asses kicked. Ronan was just walking towards them like he had some kind of fucking death wish. And then the others looked like they were just taking random shots. Fuck this. She was not about to let any of these assholes take more kills than her. Angeline picked her rifle back up and picked out a nearest target. She found the bomber currently getting her ass handled and not even close to it being in a good way. And neither was the other guy. What the fuck happened down there in the last few seconds of her finding better cover? No time to dwell right now, she had ass to kick since she was all out of bubble gum. Taking a deep breath, she let it out, set her t sights and squeezed the trigger. The shot couldn't have hit in a better place. Granted it wasn't a kill shot but it did enough damage that the Bomber and Mr.Tacos, could recover. Angeline grinned as the Saurian would be dropped for a few minutes. Her bullet found it's home in the stomach of the dino bastard, which she guesses was good enough for her. Of course she couldn't help herself to make some kind of comment. So when she went back under cover, she radioed in to everyone. [color=ed145b]"So hey big mouth, that's how you take out an enemy. By the way, how's your ass? Also, I suggest that Ms. Blondie and Mr. Taco, find some better cover. Instead of us making shoes out of them, they'll be making shoes out of ya'll"[/color] Angeline laughed a bit as she reloaded and looked around for the next target. Oh yea, Ronan was so gonna grill her ass when they were done. And she actually looked forward to it.