[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/09/fb/2009fb72445efe750f3dea22522cbc9d.jpg[/img] [center]The year is 4E 51, around fifty years after the Oblivion Crisis and the sacrifice of the last member of the Septim Dynasty, Martin Septim. The Empire has never really been able to capture it's former glory. The Third Aldmeri Dominion was formed and took control of the Summerset Isles and Valenwood with the Empire being too weak to stop them. The whole of Tamriel is strife with conflict and many of the people are in danger. More Bandits than ever before pray on the weak. The Daedra still appear to be strong, despite the efforts of Martin Septim and the Hero of Kvatch. Rumours of unknown elves in the wilderness of Cyrodiil are attacking people without mercy who venture too far off the main paths and much more. These are just some of the problems facing Tamriel at the moment. This has made it a great time to be a mercenary, who want to become rich. In Cyrodiil an Imperial named Quintus Jannus did exactly that by creating a group called the 'Skingrad Company'. When Quintus was a young man he had started to take jobs and the more he completed, the more people wanted to hire him. After a while he had too many jobs on the table that he couldn't do them all by himself so he started to hire people to work for him. Thirty years later, Skingrad Company has become a well known name around Cyrodiil and certain parts of Tamriel with around thirty people working for them. When this rp starts, Quintus has received a job from the Count of Skingrad asking the company to look into a farming community called Shardrock after numerous failures to pay their taxes and have given no reason or excuse as to why. For whatever reason you will be one of the mercenaries currently working for Skingrad Company who as been told to meet Quintus in his office to take on this job.[/center] [hr] [hider=Info]Races: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Races Skills: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Skills If you'd like to add a skill that's not on there, such as using spears, forging or anything else you can think of that would make sense as a skill that okay. Setting: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Cyrodiil The timeline: https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline[/hider] [hider=Character sheet]This is just a template, if you want to change it that's okay. Name: Race: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: Class: (Three major skills and Four minor skills) Equipment: History: Can be as long or as short as you'd like. Mention how your character ended up with Skingrad Company.[/hider] [hider=Rules]I want this to be as lore-friendly as possible. However I do acknowledge that this is fan-fiction, so let me know if you're wanting to add something and I'll tell you whether I approve. I would like you to have some knowledge of the games and lore. Don’t make unrealistic characters, which are too overpowered and cannot be injured. If your character is attacked on his own by multiple enemies, he's more than likely going to die. I would like to see around at least a paragraph and not just a sentence for each post. Please check your spelling and grammar. I would like your characters to progress, both personally and in regards to skills and items so don't start off with all the best equipment. Don't control other people's characters without asking them. Potions won’t heal you instantly. They will take time. Elves will not be immortal, just be able to live around four times the length of the other races. You can be a vampire but not a vampire lord and if you'd like to be a werewolf, that's fine but it will be a monthly thing what you don't have control over. I'd like at least two posts a week. If you're unable to post for a while just let me know. If you're wanting to join, post a CS in the OOC and wait for approval.[/hider]