[center] [h1][color=f49ac2]Amaris Marivaldi[/color][/h1] [sub]Interacting with: [/sub] [/center] [hider=Morning/Day] After Cassandra had retired for the day, Amaris was left to her own devices in the uncanny space. She sat for some time in the common room, her head rolled back and eyes trained on the ceiling as if it held some secret message she was meant to find. There had to be something she was missing, some detail that had slipped by her, but for all the time she spent staring off in thought… nothing presented itself as a viable excuse. To take action in such a manner, the guard would have to be acting on solid intel, the information her own Lord Salazar had provided according to the princess. But such intel could not possibly have been amassed within a day, at least not enough that they could confidently act on which to Amaris, left only a few options. If the guard was certain there was a threat but uncertain of the extent, it would explain the wide net they had cast with the dorm and belongings. However, that theory had too many holes. If there was really the potential of herself being suspect then she would have been detained for questioning alongside the mage just to be safe. Nox had been clearly driving her away from the scene, not just dismissing but threatening to detain her for a separate offense. [i][color=f49ac2]Which should mean that Minfilia was their target after all. I can understand not warning me in case my actions posed a risk in exposing the operation too soon, but then why go through all the trouble of inspecting my things if they don’t truly believe I have a part to play. Unless they were looking for something specific…[/color][/i] Amaris opened the clutch the guards hadn’t bothered to take from her, removing her phone before setting the pouch down on the table. She pulled up her short list of contacts, her thumb hovering over the name of her family head. One phone call had the potential to clear everything up, but there was a part of her that feared the possibility of it proving a darker theory. Amaris would have to seek out information elsewhere, perhaps Princess Ryner would have some insight. She exhaled slowly and clicked over to her text message history, archiving the messages between her and Minfilia in case they were subpoenaed as evidence. There wasn’t anything interesting or lengthy about their discussions, the only conversation taking up not even a full page of the application. Once she was certain that the data was secure, she shut the phone off completely and placed it back in the clutch bag. Kicking off her shoes, she placed them neatly beside the table before padding barefoot over to the couch. She felt strange invading another noble’s home and could not bring herself to sleep in a bed belonging to another. Instead she opted to lounge on the couch to rest. With all that had happened, she knew sleep would not come but it would help pass the time until the sun set. [/hider] Amaris’ eyes slid open the moment her body sensed the setting of the sun, a quick glance at a clock confirming her assumption of the relative safety of exiting the building. It was still rather early, so she wasn’t expecting Cassandra to up and about just yet, giving the noble time to sort herself. Curious to see the state of things, as it was entirely possible for the royal mages to have been snooping around throughout the day, Amaris approached the door to peek outside. A small flutter caught the young woman’s attention as she opened the main door, a note tacked to the structure addressed to Amaris and Cassandra each. It seemed that the dorm was already cleared for their return, and a request for prompt relocation was implied. No doubt someone would be by during classes to move Cassandra’s belongings to her new home, the urgency a good indicator that a new occupant for the Astorio residence had been found. She thought it a bit sudden but had far more things to worry about than the house dynamics of the Astorios. Propping the door open just enough so that she would be able to reenter without a key, Amaris stepped outside to see what damage still remained. Impressively, as she approached the structure, it was almost as if the morning prior had never even occurred. The door had been replaced and it seemed as if any damage to the exterior had been mended, most likely to give the appearance of having never been disturbed at all. The only clue to the guards’ presence were her own memories and a slight depression of the front yard grass. Following the path up to the door, Amaris let herself into the building and scanned the room for signs of disturbance. Anything and everything that had belonged to Minfilia had been stripped from the room. A trinket here, a decoration there, and undoubtedly the entirety of her room bore blank spaces where items used to be. Everything that belonged to Amaris, however, seemed to have remained, or at the very least returned to, their original locations. She wasted no time in making her way down the hall to her private quarters, pushing open the door with zero hesitation. All night she had thought about this moment, wondering what it was that she would find when she returned. As she stepped into the room, Getsuga emerged from his hut, standing to his full height with his fangs bared. “[color=f49ac2]Hush now, it’s just me. They didn’t hurt you did they?[/color]” The snake appeared to calm considerably once she had spoken, responding to her tone of voice by curling back up on the bottom of the tank. Looking at him, she could tell that Nox’s word had been kept. Not a single scratch could be seen on the animal, but his stress was apparent. Someone he was unfamiliar with had gotten too close to him. Reaching below the tank, Amaris brushed her fingers of the inscriptions etched over the hidden compartment. Had she a functioning heart, it was at this point she was certain it would have stopped. The book was gone. Violet eyes shifted to the sharpest of sapphire as she swallowed an aggressive snarl. In taking the book, Amaris was now set in a very difficult position. Had it been found by chance, it could be used as a way to incriminate her for crimes she did not commit. She doubted there was anyone at current who could properly and quickly translate the language held within, nor would there be anyone who would believe that she could not understand the language of book in her own possession. However, there was the smallest of thoughts tugging at the back of her mind asking if the book was the reason Salazar had not warned her in advance. The timing had left her with no way to safely move the item to her person, and it was unlikely with her request than anyone other than the guards had been snooping around her room. “[color=f49ac2]I need to see that report.[/color]” [center]~~~[/center] Having calmed down some, Amaris had returned to the Astorio residence to wait for Cassandra. There was much to inform the mage on, and not a whole lot of time to do it. It would seem that her original plan with Minfilia would have to be altered with the hope that Cassandra could learn on the move. For the time being, Amaris could be grateful for the opportunity to change clothes. She had swapped into something far more casual than the day before; donning jeans, a form-fitted tee, and a gray sweater wrap to match the dreary weather she had witnessed on her walk over. Amaris had also taken the opportunity to snag a slim backpack she had brought, slipping a few class supplies into the bag for the day ahead. Just to be on the safe side, she had packed the laptop she had been instructed to bring to the school, but for the most part her supplies consisted of paper notebooks and pens of varying colors. She had always preferred a manual method of note keeping and would see to using it as much as she could over the electronics. [hider=Outfit] [img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0055/5492/9775/products/product-image-800891960_1024x1024.jpg?v=1542682905[/img] [/hider] [hider=Casssandra Interaction TBD] [i]There is nothing to see here, move along.[/i] [/hider] [center]~~~[/center] When Amaris set off, there was still plenty of time before the start of classes to run an errand or two. There weren’t many things that she had in mind, namely one stop that took priority over all else. Passing by the lecture halls altogether, Amaris made for the student service buildings with an extreme sense of purpose. She could feel the eyes on her from all around, no doubt rumors already beginning to make the rounds as to what may have occurred the night before. Luckily, or so she hoped it to be, the grounds had been under curfew minimizing the number of eyes who saw what went down in their cul-de-sac. Amaris wondered what news the other students had been given, exactly what image she now had to compete with, but for the time being it did not seem that anyone was attempting to mock her. If anything, students she strayed near scrambled to put distance between themselves and her path. Despite the fact that her family crest was neatly tucked in under her sweater, the receptionists were already well aware of who had stepped through their door. Polite greetings were given as they attempted to hide nervous glances, most likely wondering what sort of night they were about to have. While Amaris was finding it difficult to control the shade of her eyes, she made damn well sure to keep her tone in check. She knew it wasn’t any of their faults that she was in the position she was in now, and it wouldn’t do her any good to alienate a service that might be able to help her out after all. “[color=f49ac2]I need to speak with Princess Ryner, it’s urgent.[/color]” A few glances were shared between the clerks before anyone chose to speak, the sound of fingertips on mechanical keys filling the silence in between. “[color=gray]I’m sorry Countess, but she isn’t available to see you at the present moment. All visitations must be scheduled and approved prior to an audience. The best I can do under such short notice is to pass your statement of urgency along, a granted audience will be at her sole discretion.[/color]” Amaris nodded her head in understanding, a determined expression making her intentions quite clear. “[color=f49ac2]It would be a shame for me to miss the opening lectures anyhow. Please, let her know that I wish to speak with her as soon as she can see me. I’ll be eagerly awaiting an update, thank you for your assistance.[/color]” With a quick bow of her head, Amaris left the clerks to their work. It wasn’t an ideal situation having to hope that her message was passed along promptly. She had never expected to get to speak to Ryner immediately, but she had hoped to secure a meeting for today at the very least. At this point, she had done what she could to get the ball rolling and there wasn’t any use trying her luck as she had the night before. For now, it was all just a waiting game. Glancing at the time on her phone, Amaris began making her way toward the hall that had been printed on her schedule. First order of business for the day, if her memory served, was Mortal Biology in Cardinal hall. Where the subject was concerned, she was already quite familiar from lessons taught in her home. Between their relationships with the mages in their care, and the state of the Lord’s family, it would be rather embarrassing to not have at least an elementary understanding of the physiology. Amaris hoped that there would be something new to learn, but she wasn’t going to be on it being presented immediately out of the gate. The anticipation sent a shiver down her spine, the excitement easing some of the anxiety and frustration she had allowed to pent up.