Crow nodded thoughtfully when Penelope said she doubted the other nobles would come around quickly. He had the same feeling, especially when everyone who recognized him took the opportunity to cast him bitter looks as he walked by. His father was probably being overly optimistic in assuming that his talents alone would be enough to change their opinions of him. Then again, the man was the king of Brerra. Perhaps he had a better idea of how to convince the others to accept him than the thief did. He turned to look up at the castle as they approached it. Even if some of the nobles began treating him with more respect, he doubted he would return their trust. It was hard for him to imagine men and women of a higher class treating him with genuine kindness. If anything, he would likely just be even more wary of the ones who approached him in a friendly manner, since he had a feeling they would only do so to get something from either him or his father. After all, what other reason would they have to accept a man who was known to steal from them in his past? As Penelope went on to list off the few nobles who would be on his side, a faint smile tugged at Crow’s lip. Naida had already made it perfectly clear that she was excited to help him transition into noble life, and he knew she was right about Olivia and Gavin too. Honestly, he expected Olivia to be entertained by the sudden change and poke fun at him about becoming a viceroy. He didn’t know Gavin well enough to expect anything from him, but judging by the fact that the knight seemed resigned to the fact that he and Penelope were together, he would probably be happy to know that she wouldn’t be giving up her status to be with him. “Yeah, I’m glad I’ve got a few people on my side,” he said, casting her a fond look. “Of course, you’re still my favorite supporter though.” He turned to look ahead again as they reached the main doors of the castle, reaching out to pull one open for her to step inside first. As they passed through, he vaguely noticed the guards on either side of the doors watch him closely, as if they were afraid he was going to cause trouble, but he was growing numb to the constant negativity of the nobles in the inner kingdom, so he ignored them as he headed into the palace. Once they were inside, Crow hastened his pace slightly, eager to get back to his room to see if his father’s servants had prepared him supper again. “I have to wonder how my father plans to handle our relation to each other though,” he mused in a low voice as they walked. “My siblings realized we were related just by looking at me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Hunter figured it out too, since he keeps acting so nervous around me.” He turned to her with a shrug. “He hasn’t said anything about telling anyone that I’m his son, so I don’t think he was planning to, but it seems like the people who are closest to him are starting to figure it out anyway.”