[@FluffyKnife] Blorb growled as Wet Towel asked if he had anything better to do than throw food around, the gall. "You know very well that I don't. This place is evil and must be destroyed!" Blorb narrowed his eyes as he saw Wet Towel coil one of her towels into a rat tail. He would quickly put his hands to the floor and transmute the concrete in front of him into taco mince with spicy seasoning. "I won't let you stop me this time, wench." Suddenly the meat would lunge towards Wet Towel, the mass of cocked beef forming a greasy tentacle. [@BCTheEntity] As Maceroy closed in on the college he would easily be able to spot the fight between Wet Towel and Blorb. The villain had summoned a tendril of meat and was trying to smack Wet Towel with it. It seemed that Maceroy hadn't been noticed by the portly criminal yet, leaving Maceroy an opening to strike. [hr] [@Gardevoiran] The moment Eve looked up from her phone she'd see a woman in a suit smiling at her. "Hello Eve. Do you have a moment?" The woman would ask, her voice having a distinct aura of authority to it. The woman didn't even wait for a response before walking past Eve and it seemed she was expecting Eve to follow. [hr] [@Chiro] The figure would flinch as Mr Gimmick spoke through the drone, quickly jumping back and raising their fists. The figure looked up towards the drone, revealing themselves to be a rather meek looking teenager. The boy kept his fists raised and tilted his head at the drone, small jets of steam escaping from little exhaust ports on the boys back. "Mr Gimmick huh? You're that master thief right?"