Name: Maxwell "Max" Hudson Age: 18 Gender: Male [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Appearence: Max is a tall and lean young man standing at 5'10". He lives an active lifestyle, and has a toned, physically fit body to show for it. He has a fair complexion, and his face is free of blemishes and facial hair. His blonde hair appears to be longer on the top than it is on the sides. His hair seems to go in many different directions. It looks messy, but he likes it that way, claiming that it adds character to his look. He has a round, boyish face with wide eyes that are a deep shade of blue. He often has a smile on his face. Max is physically fit, and has an athletic toned, physique. While he hated being forced to be on the football team, he admits it's done wonders for his body, and he enjoys showing it off. His taste in clothes is pretty simple. You would never know he comes from a rich family if you looked at his clothing choices. His favorite outfit consists of a blue form fitting tank top, and a purple cotton hoodie over it if it's cold enough. On the bottom, he wears a pair of blue jeans held up by a black belt with a metal buckle, and simple grey sneakers on his feet. Personality: Max is a cheerful, optimistic guy who doesn't like to be bogged down with unpleasant thoughts. He enjoys laughing and making jokes with others, even in inappropriate situations. He is easygoing and friendly, which makes it easy for him to befriend people. He is really good at understanding other people's emotions, and is an emotional guy himself. He is not embarrassed to show his feelings. He cries when he is sad, and is openly affectionate towards those he cares for. He sometimes even flirts with guys he finds attractive, even if they're not actually gay. He just sees it as being friendly. He is driven more by his emotions than logic, and tends to act impulsively as a result. He does not think about how his actions affect others until it is too late, and winds up feeling bad about it afterwards if something goes wrong. Someone not responding to his friendliness the way he expects makes him try harder to make that person his friend. He doesn't mind occasional teasing from friends, so long as they're laughing with him, not at him. When someone does become his friend. he gets attached to that person very easily, and can be clingy and overly dependent. He will always be in your business, will constantly call/text you, and do things for you whether you want it or not. He also doesn't take rejection very well, he'll usually deny the rejection, or come up with excuses to avoid feeling heartbroken. As cheerful as he is, he sometimes feels guilty about the fact that he survived the calamity, but all his friends and family died. He tries to move past it, but sometimes it still manifest itself. Max is very sensitive, and is willing to be a shoulder to cry on, and give you some words of encouragement when you are down. It is very easy to get him to like you, and once he is your friend he will remain your friend for life. He will keep your secrets a secret, and will do what he thinks is best for you. When something bothers him, he will keep that to himself for fear of hurting someone's feelings. For him, hurt feelings hurt worse than a hurt body. If there's one thing Max can't stand, it's being forced to do something he doesn't like. Trying to control him is the fastest way to get him upset. When he gets upset, he will lash out. Max is the type of guy that lives in the moment, and isn't one for planning for the future, prefering to deal with things as they happen. Max is a creative individual. His favorite pastime is drawing and painting, and he often be found dooding in a sketch book when he has free time. In addition to his creative pursuits, he enjoys Video Games, Anime, and other things that most would consider geeky. He also has an affinity for cute things. Max doesn't care for sports all that much, after being forced to participate in them for so long. He still goes to the gym and works out, and he's willing to play a few basketball games with friends sometimes. However, he isn't all the competitive type, and isn't serious about it. After spending years being scared of his father, and finally getting out of that situation, he has had enough of being concerned what other people thought about him. He is going to be himself, and if you don't like it, that's your problem not his. After everything that has happened to him, Max is able to empathize with others in a similar situations. He sees himself in them, and really wants to help them. This can drive some people nuts because of how overbearing he can be. He does genuinely care about people, History: Max Hudson was born and raised in New York City where he has spent most of his life. His father is a retired athlete, while his mother was a successful businesswoman which allowed the family to live a very comfortable life. Max's father was a strict man, and had high expectations for his son. He had a low tolerance for failure, and Max was disciplined harshly when the expectations were not met. His father had always wanted his boy to follow in his footsteps, and from the moment Max could walk and talk, he pushed that dream onto him. He was sent to elite private schools to study, and was encouraged (or rather forced) to join the football team. His mother didn't agree on what her husband was doing, but the man wouldn't have any of it. Claiming that it builds character. Max hated football, but stayed with it in order to please his strict father. Over the years though, he started to develop and get stronger. That still didn't change the fact that he hated what he was being forced to do something he didn't want to o do for stupid reasons. He also didn't agree with his father's ideas about how a man should act. Still, he kept his mouth shut, but resentment slowly started to build.  Growing up, Max always had an interest in art. He was often doodling in his school notes when he should have been paying attention in class. While he excelled in art classes, he wasn't good in Math, and was average everywhere else. His mother encouraged his artistic talents, but his father chastised them. Claiming that art was for sissies. Naturally, Max was always closer to his mother than he was with his father. . Naturally, Max was always closer to his mother than he was with his father. His parents often disagreed on a lot of other things besides how to raise their child. It was not uncommon for the two to have very heated arguments on a regular basis. It all got to be too much, and when he was ten years old, Max's mom eventually filed for divorce. She got custody of her son, and they moved out of the home they shared with Max's father. Max also took this opportunity to quit the football team, and take a proper painting class to improve his skills. For a few years, Max was happy. He lived a comfortable life at home with his mother, he was popular in school and had a lot, and made a lot of friends. He still practiced his painting, and his grades improved. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to last. When he was sixteen, his mother was involved in a serious car crash that left her severely wounded. She ultimately died from blood loss on the way to the hospital. He breifly was forced to live with his father, and he dealt with him for two years. Max's father imposed his ideas just like before. He forced Max onto the football team, and took away all his art supplies. Max's grades started to suffer, and Max was disciplined much worse than before, but he was happy to be done with that. Max's father also had started drinking after the divorce, and as Max found out, he was an angry drunk, who would go berserk, and often hit him over the slightest things. It is because of his father, that Max refuses to drink any type of alcohol. Regardless of what was happening at home, Max still kept up a cheerful facade in front of others. Because of his resentment of his father, he tried to look for the affection he didn't get at home from others. He wanted people to like him, and tried very hard to please everyone. He constantly worried about what other people thought, and kept things secret from people that he felt would make them think negatively of him. (Such as the fact he likes My Little Pony, or that he didn't care to listen to the guys talking about girls. He didn't find himself interested in them.) Despite feeling miserable inside, he kept smiling through the pain. Every night he cried in his pillow, and swore he would get out of this one day. Reading stories in the newspaper about Superheroes saving the world and helping people in need was one of the things that gave him hope. He always wished he could be one himself, but knew that would be impossible. He did some rebellious things behind his father's back, like sneaking out after school to go to parties, and not coming home until very late into the night. It was at one of these parties that he met a very special guy named Robert that was close to his age. The two of them started to hit it off very quickly. After Max found out they went to the same school, the two started spending a lot of together. They had a lot of things in common, including the fact that they were both artists, lthough, Robert was more into Computer Art, while Max was into more traditional drawing and painting. It soon became clear that there relationship was more than just platonic. Max couldn't stop himself from thinking about how handsome his friend was, and had feelings about him that he never felt about anyone before, let alone another guy. He found out the feeling was mutual, and started growing closer until they eventually had their first kiss. Max was excited about the status of his relationship, but also scared. He knew his father would never approve of him dating another guy. He definitely couldn't invite him over to his house. He kept his relationship a secret so his father wouldn't find out. It was exciting at first, but all the sneaking around had a negative effect on the relationship. Robert was openly gay, but Max was still in the closet. He wanted to be able to be public with his boyfriend. Max was worried about the reaction people would have if people found out he was dating guys. He occasionally would pretend to go out with girls so people wouldn't get suspicious, which upset Robert more, Robert gave him an ultimatum to come out, or their relationship was over. Max couldn't do it, and Robert left. Max was devestated. Through was able to bring his grades up during his last year of high school, and managed to graduate. He had applied, and was accepted to a local art college behind his father's back. Of course, his dad eventually found out about this, and he was livid. After a loud argument ensued at the dinner table one day, that resulted in Max coming out as Gay. Max's father was drunk at the time, and proceeded to punch him in the face a number of times, threaten to kill him, and use several gay slurs before passing out. After that, Max had enough, and ran away from home. He went to the only place he could think of to go, his ex-boyfriend's house. After knocking on the door, and explaining to Robert's parents, and Robert himself, what had happened, the family took the boy in for a while. In that time Max's father was arrested for DUI after he went to find his son that same night, Max discovered he had inherited a large sum of money from his deceased mother that his father had been keeping a secret for some time, and Max and Robert rekindled their relationship. After everything that had happened, Max stopped trying to hide parts of himself to please people. It just wasn't worth the effort. Now, he was going to live life the way he wanted, and no one was going to stop him. Max and Robert attended the same art college together, and were actually roommates, but majored in different things. Everything was going better than ever.