[@Heretic] [color=f7941d][h1] [center]Abraham MacLachlan[/center] [/h1][/color] Waking up form what felt like a good night's sleep, Getting out of the rather soft bed and heading to the bathroom to get ready for his day. He swore their was usually movement of staff and tourists outside of his door, He wondered if he woke up too early but checking his phone it was not to early nor late. Brushing his teeth and getting changed into a black suit and slacks adding his own flavor by wearing a orange tie. Looking at his phone if their was any messages and or checking his emails to see if their was anything there. Nothing and so he put away his phone inside of the pocket of his slack. When he was finished getting ready he picked up his key to his room, And a sharp letter opener that was sitting on the desk opposite of his bed. Heading outside of his room looking around seeing the hallway was empty, Again he wondered where everyone was and then thought their must be some big party or at least everyone was at the beach area or pool. Shrugging his shoulder and heading towards the elevator wanting to get the lay of the land. With the information he was given by his employer he had all the time in the world to get to his target, Clicking on the elevator button and as the door opened he saw a short woman devouring the entrails of a small girl. His eyes widen and he felt his heart shrunk into his stomach, Even though he was hitman and seen and done many terrible things. Seeing a child being killed and devoured by their mother was devastating to him, Slowly backing away accidentally bumping into a tall man that let out a inhuman growl. Quickly turning around as his hitman instincts kicked in. Kicking the man in the head and booking it down the hallway and towards the stairs, While running down the hallway. Making sure to escape the grabbing hands of these people, Noticing a woman scared out of her mind while her presumably boyfriend's face was being eaten. His only thought was his own survival and completing the mission, But another thought came into his mind and that was helping a woman in need. He was going to kick himself for doing this but it had to be done, Rushing over towards the girl but not before getting passed a few of those strange people. Kicking or using the letter opener as a weapon, Stabbing them in the shoulder, leg and non lethal parts of the body. Finally getting to the girl and shaking her, "Are you okay? We have to go some place safe" Looking over at her boyfriend who's face and head by now was partially eaten. "Their is no saving him, We have to leave" He said rather coldly trying to get her to the staircase.