Mikhail looked at the man before him. He thought about the sentence that he had just heard. 'My sister wanted me to say hello. She's inside my head right now.'. Frankly this was a bit...strange, he'd heard of all sorts of mutations but this one was new to him. "I'm Mikhail, for a job I'm a mechanic if that's what you meant, if you meant what can I do in terms of like..." He thought for a second on how to word it. He eventually came to the conclusion that 'powers' sounded better than mutation. "...Powers then I can lift things a lot more than most people." He looked at the other two people behind Rhee. One was some sort of bird, seagull girl and the other seemed generally normal except for the fact he had spines sticking out of his body. "So, what exactly did you mean when you said that your sister is in your head?" He asked, he was around 67% certain that Rhee had telepathy or something, but he'd rather make sure than find out later that the man in front of him had some weird psycho head problem.