[@GreenGoat] Hmmm. Okay. Everything was fine, up until the Skills. I mean, its definitely doable, just needs some tinkering. First comment, use a different color for one of your Skills; it'll help once you stack techniques together. I mean, you could get a technique to analyze machines while in combat, then stack some quick dismantling or repairing techniques to it later on. Second, the Prototype Robot itself would be the Skill, so describe how it works, it's general appearance, and any unique component such as the Helios Engine. Then I'd suggest to keep Helios Engine - Start as the base technique where your other techniques branch off from Given the nature of the robot and how it follows your character around and obeys her orders, it functions as a second character, which I don't want to completely allow just yet. So once you give the description of the prototype, I'll be assigning Stats to it. I'll mix some parts into the rewards I give out to your character later on.