[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ko9vKT2.png[/img][/center] [b][code]Zun - Airport.[/code][/b][hr] Yoko couldn't find a Nomad that didn't look stupid or too much of an asshole to pay her any mind. Oi! This was annoying! The young Nomad wondered where the hell all those powerful, wise, Nomads that her grandfather told her about are. Because they aren't here! Though she was paying some mind to the ki signatures in the room and when she walked by a pair of... [i]Americans[/i], she couldn't help but shudder when she sensed the dark in them. During training with grandfather, he had Yoko go to places with dark auras in Japan so she can get a "taste" of the dark ki. He told her it was so she could learn what evil spirits signatures looked like so she wouldn't be caught off guard or deceived. Pausing for a moment, Yoko looked at the two and realized that they looked like the weakest pair of pansies she ever laid eyes upon! Well, if the tournament was a bust and she couldn't get any information on the sword; she might as well get an entertaining fight! After all, she was always searching for ways to improve herself and her fighting style for when the real threats come around. While they were talking, Yoko slammed her staff onto the ground loudly to catch their attention. "A-hem!" Yoko loudly said as she put a hand to her mouth. "Hello, my name is Hatanaka Yoko! The greatest warrior in all of Japan!" She introduced herself before she continued. "Slayer of demons... which I noticed you are in possession of!" Yoko pointed her staff at Beelzebub... drinking coffee. Truly a being of pure evil! It must be slain at once. "I will purge you two of its vile influence!" [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1cX0qR4.png[/img][/center] [b][code]Zun - Docks.[/code][/b][hr] "Hey! Watch where you're going you psycho!" When Aiko heard this, she ominously stopped the motorcycle which silently shook for a few moments as Aiko had her back to the Canadian. Calvin was probably confused as to what was going on until Aiko craned her head around towards him, loudly shouting. [h3]"... WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY TO ME, [i]MOTHERFUCKER?![/i]"[/h3] Aiko gave Calvin a murderous glare as she waited for his response. Which she hoped involved him running away, pissing himself, or else he'll be running away pissing [i]blood[/i].