[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190207/699c7fb8eaf4f5a568a061a8170efb48.png[/img][/center] [center][i]Interacting with Max Wallenberg[/i][/center] Georgie blushed as she saw that she had woken him up, turning slightly so he couldn't see the embarrassment framed on her features. Once she had recovered to an extent though, she turned back around and smiled. [color=slateblue]"Hi Max. And you can call me Georgie...I remember that poem writing assignment. Our poem was shit, but maybe that was because I wrote it."[/color] She chuckled and brushed off his apology with a hand. She knew how boys like Max were but she didn't mind. If anything it was fun watching him read such a stupid poem in front of the class and it had been fun for a while there as they partnered up and did the task together. She watched as he came around to her side and looked at the photo displayed on her camera screen. It was a nice one, she mused to herself as her eyes swept over the details. He looked as if his jock macho-ness had been stripped away, at least only for that moment. She flicked her glance upwards at his face and marvelled at the light that shone around the edge of his skin...man, was this boy photogenic. Georgie was interrupted from her staring when Max laughed and complimented the picture. She grinned in reply, Max always fit in wherever he was and he seemed like he was undeniably himself whenever he talk to someone. Georgie liked him. [color=slateblue]"I can send the pictures over to you later if you want. And I'm sorry again for taking those without your permission, you looked too dead for me to pass up the opportunity!"[/color] Georgie joked as she closed her camera. She turned to look out at the water around her again and gave a small smile. The white tipped waves crashed against the sand as colorful blobs of people rushed around, building sand castles and tanning. A lone surfer was riding the waves and he traced lines through the blue water as people paddled around his near vicinity. Georgie loved the beach, the colors she found there and the people. All her photographs of it were her best collection of pieces she had. Something about it made her happy and if she was happy, her photos turned out well. Commenters on her blog had regularly picked up her interest in the beach and asked her why she liked it so much but all she could answer was that she didn't know. It was beautiful in an unassuming way, just like Max Wallenburg was, Georgie realised. A player who no doubt had broken the hearts of many girls without a care in the world, all a part of his spontaneous fun. But when he had been lying there heartbreakingly attractive on the edge of the cliff, he had looked angelic and as he spoke he didn't seem capable of breaking so many hearts without so much of a thought. But who was Georgie anyway, to psychoanalyse him? [color=slateblue]"Well, I'd better get going. I'm sorry to have woken you up, I'll let you return to your blissful sleep now."[/color] Georgie turned to Max and lifted up a hand. It was better to leave him alone, she didn't really want to get absorbed into his web of girls yet and she had no doubt that he had the capability to do so with her. If she knew herself well enough she would've fallen for him in mere minutes. It was better for her to stay away if she knew what was best for her, right? However, She was still a sucker for fun and Max Wallenburg was the definition of it.