[quote]To railroad or not to railroad. To say 'You're inside this village, do whatever you like' or be a guiding hand? Maybe some GMs have other people where they can be trusting that giving them too much freedom is okay. But personally I've experienced that your players always say 'I want muh freedom!' but if you give em too much, they might lost interest because they either can't or don't do much with it.[/quote] - [@Skyswimsky] Thinking about it now, this might be a problem I have. I don't want to have to keep edging my players along the story's track so that they have freedom to have fun with their characters. On the other hand, derailing from the main objective is when I'd often lose a player or two. Either it takes too long due to spaced posting times or it's getting everyone back together. I've recognize since those times to just let them do their thing and subtly lead them back toward the main quest. It's as much their game as it is mine. [b]As for World-building:[/b] I never knew how much was too much. For a recent pirate RP I co-GMed we did a lot of World-building. Mostly because the more we talked about it the more these little ideas and tidbits for the world came up. Just little stuff to give the world depth. Unfortunately, the RP didn't survive long enough to explore all the minor concepts and details we put into it (Though I'm hoping to revive it and go a new direction). Felt like all that brainstorming wasted. But coming up with the ideas was fun, so I don't regret getting too invested in the world.