[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TExxMja.png[/img][/center] [sup][sup][@Saint Maxx][/sup][/sup] [b][code]The Boardwalk.[/code][/b] [hr] [i]To the point old man, I like it.[/i] The thought almost immediately popped up in Makoto's head when he asked what it was all about. She had to keep that signature smile off her face as she took a seat next to him. She briefly looked around as she crossed her legs - there were hundreds of different people here on vacation here! Kids were skating past her... but the best part was that none of them were paying any attention to them. So, long as she keeps a low profile they'd go about their days as if they didn't hear anything! "Ah, to the point, I see," Makoto - or rather her alias Fujiko - said with a warm smile. "I'll do the same; it concerns the Warmonger case..." She trailed off for a moment as she waited to see his reaction. Warmonger was a sore spot for a lot of people -, especially in this city. He had quite a silly name - like he was a comic book villain! - but because of his actions, he was quite feared regardless of it. If he didn't go down he would have been perfect for REAPER - but Abel and the Foundation woman had a change of heart given how easily he went down. Oh well. Makoto continued with her explanation, "We have reason to believe that Warmonger and his crew were in possession of a lot more than the money he stole from the bank... but nothing has been found yet. Did you see anything like another member of his crew or anyone suspicious in the area? Or did you see anything else... suspicious or otherwise in the motel room he was held up in?" It was a simple set of questions... she had to play up the ignorant angle a bit more. Of course, if he was smart he would start questioning [i]her[/i], but nothing Makoto hasn't handled before. Worse comes to worst, she'll have to get a little... aggressive to get what she wants. Long as she gets her information "Fujiko Rose" will disappear and when he asks the CBPD they won't have a clue in their heads what he's talking about.