Name: Stella Gold Gender: Female Age: 20 [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Appearance: Stella's height is at 5'10", but she wears high heels often, so she appears to be a few inches taller. She doesn't go into the sun all to often, claiming it's bad for your skin, so her skin is fair as a result. She has a slender build, but still has a feminine figure. She has straight, blond hair that falls to her waist, with short bangs that go to her eyebrows. She usually wears a pink headband on top of her head to keep her hair tidy. Her eyes are almond shaped, and are a light shade of blue. She doesn't wear make up often, apart from red lipstick and eyeshadow on occasion, as well as concealer, should it be necessary. She puts a lot of effort into maintaining her appearance, and she makes sure to keep her face clear of any blemishes, and to maintain a good weight. Her outfits tend to vary, but her wardrobe can be described as being, "girly." It mostly contains a lot of pastels, and bright colors in general, especially pink, her favorite color. She has very expensive tastes, and has the money to afford it, or rather her parents do. All the clothes in her closet were either made by her using rare and/or expensive materials, or by a big name designer (who likely also used rare and/or expensive materials.) Knockoffs and cheap things make her skin crawl. (By cheap, she means low quality, it's possible for something to be inexpensive and still good.) She also accessorize with gold and pink jewelry to flaunt her wealth. Made with real gold and pink diamonds, which are also rare and expensive. She also carries a pink designer handbag to carry her things in. Her usual outfit is a short sleeved pink blouse, with a loose knee length skirt thats a darker shade of pink than the blouse is. On her feet, she wears three inch high steletto heels which are the same color as her skirt. Her ears are pierced, and she wears heart shaped pink diamond stud earrings on her ears, a pink pearl necklace around her neck, and a set of gold bracelets around her right wrist. Personality: Stella is a proud, confident young woman. She can come off as arrogant sometimes, often overestimating herself, while underestimating others, but she does have a kind caring side somewhere deep down, someone just has to be willing to look for it. She is not shy in the slightest, and if given the opportunity, she will say exactly what she thinks, which often gets her into trouble, and offends people. She usually acts very serious and proper, and appears to have no tolerance for low-class behavior, but it's just an act, and she knows how to have fun if the circumstances are right. She is a strong willed individual, and once she's decided on something, it is very difficult to change her mind. Due to her wealthy upbringing, and being given whatever she wanted whenever she asked, she is spoiled, and has very high standards, and she gets upset if things do not meet those standards. She is very frivolous, and she's known for spending money like it grows on trees. Especially if it's someone else's money. Stella values cuteness and beauty in all areas in her life. From her taste in clothes, to the people she associates with. If your one of those people that do not meet her expectations. Depending on the person, she will avoid you, try to give you a makeover, or be needlessly cruel to you. As one would imagine, looks mean everything to Stella. She can often be seen studying her reflection in any reflective surface available. She despises dirt and ugliness with a passion. She hates sports, physical labor, camping, or anything that could possibly get her dirty and ruin her image. If forced to do them, she will complain. Something else she can't stand, bugs (Including Spiders.) Butterflies and Moths are fine, it's the ants, worms, cockroaches, etc. she can't stand. She can be a nice person once you get to know her. This is noticeable when she's speaking to someone she finds to be cute, or has taken a liking to. She will act friendly towards them, and if they are younger than her, act like a sister to them. She's also quite generous to her friends. One thing that may surprise you, is that despite being a girly girl, she actually enjoys playing video games, and she has an extensive collection of games at home. (Though, you won't find any shooters or sports games in there. You will find some fighting games though, just nothing excessively violent.) She doesn't hide this fact, and she often brings a portable game system or two with her. She is also much smarter than she looks. She doesn't find stupidity attractive either. History: Stella was born in New York, in the high class upper east side of Manhattan, and has lived there most of her life. She was born the only child of one of the richest and most famous families in the region. Stella has no idea what her parents actually do for a living, other than being businesspeople. All she knows is that both her parents make lots of money, and that they come from a long line of wealthy businesspeople. Due to their busy work schedules, they weren't able to be around as often as they would have liked. The only times she got to see both parents together, were at formal functions. Feeling guilty about this, they spoiled their daughter, and gave her whatever she asked for, often in excess. If she wanted a pony, she got 5 ponies, a stable to keep them in, riding lessons, and people to care for them. If she wanted Candy, she got her own Candy store. The latest iPhone model, she got the next model before it was available to the public, and it was custom made just for her. As one can imagine, this made her very spoiled, and gave her a superiority complex. She often flaunted her wealth, and had little regard for people she felt were beneath her. Her parents were usually busy, and they never noticed. For awhile, Stella was homeschooled by scholars and tutors that were handpicked by her parents. She received etiquette lessons, and was taught how to be a lady, as well as other things in order to groom her to inherit the family fortune. When she was thirteen, she was enrolled into an elite Private School. She was able to ace the entrance exams and earn admission. She did very well in her classes, and maintained fantastic grades her entire time there. However, because of her condescending attitude, most of the other kids treated her with indifference. Most of the friends she did have only hung out with her because of her money. Despite being a social butterfly, Stella had no real friends. She acts like it doesn't bother her, but deep down, it does. Despite everything, she excelled in her classes, and graduated first in her year. Now she attends an expensive University majoring in Business, as well as Fashion Design on the side.