[center] [h3][color=571b7e] The Community Strikes Back [/color] [/h3][/center] [hr] [@PlatinumSkink][@Spiffy][@BCTheEntity][@solokolos][@Lemonzest1337] [B] Chapter Two: The Rockers [/b] The woman let out a bit of a laugh at the scene in front of her as Mire struck out. Her attack penetrated the force Swarm was protecting, heading straight for him as he stood there confidently. It was only they the quick action of his ally Firefly that he wasn't killed on the spot. The two tumbled to the ground as Firefly shot another burst of whatever at Mire, burning another hole in her. "I think it's time to leave," he muttered to Swarm as he pulled the man to his feet. It was then that an arrow flew through from the roof, slamming into Mire's head hard enough that it might as well have been a brick. Curiously, however, was the fact that it didn't penetrate. At all. It just hit her full on. That was when the woman stepped forward, slowly extending her wings and flapping, hard. Mire's gas that had managed to get around Swarm was blown back and away temporarily, leaving Swarm and Firefly practically blind outside of their little bubble of safety. Speaking of the gas, it seemed that it was beginning to push out through the front doors... [hr] [@Lemonzest1337][@Yoshua171] (Open invitation to Independents to get involved) [B] Chapter Three: The City [/b] As Sylph was pushed quickly through the window, she had a split second to get her bearings before that maniacal laughing hit her ears. Exiting the room, which seemed to be a bedroom if she bothered to look, she entered a sparsely decorated living room. Across from her, beating on a closet door, was her target. As she looked at him, she felt something shift in her. (Insert permanent nervous twitch here). She pushed through it, however, shooting a blast of air at him that practically flattened him against the door. He turned, looking straight at her, before he abandoned the door in favor of her. [Color=goldenrod]"LOOK. AT. ME."[/color] he commanded. Behind him, the closet door had a hole from where he'd attacked it, and Sylph could just barely see a small child in the arms of a teenager. The young woman had her eyes screwed shut, tears streaming down her face, as she held the crying baby to her chest keeping it from looking at the villain. Sylph had less than seconds to act before he would be on her.