"He's going to kill both of us." Penelope groaned, closing her eyes tightly for a moment. It wasn't very often the knight wanted to disappear but this situation certainly had her wishing she could. Of all the people to walk in on them, it had to be her father. She let out a heavy sigh and slipped off of the bed to collect her clothing, putting the fabric back on. A little after she had, John reentered and she avoided her father's gaze as he looked at them with narrowed eyes. She shuffled her feet awkwardly, casting a furtive glance at Crow before lowering her gaze to the ground. "W-Well.. We thought it was late enough that no one else would be stopping by.." she mumbled. "You're in the middle of the damn castle, with no lock on the door. It sounds like you didn't think at all." he growled. "You already have William suspicious of you, doing something like is is practically begging to get caught. And what's more, Penelope, you two are not even courting!" Penelope flinched at her father's furious tone. Perhaps they had made a mistake by letting their guard down so much but she didn't think his point about them not 'courting' was far. In her opinion, they were technically courting, even if it wasn't in the same, traditional style that her father was used to. It was the closest they could get to. Despite feeling this, she didn't dare voice her opinion. It'd only lead to him getting more furious and that wasn't something she currently wanted to deal with. "I've been lenient on behalf of both of your mothers but by the gods you are testing me." John curled his lip as his gaze then shifted to focus on Crow. "And you, Lockton, are starting to seem more and more like your father. I mean really, what exactly are your intentions here?" "Father, please." Penelope groaned. "No. I want to know." John snorted. "I'm not going to ignore this, Penelope. This type of recklessness that endangers you and your name is exactly why I wanted to get a proper nobleman to court you in the first place." He glared at Crow challengingly. "What happens if she were to get pregnant? Or if someone else had come through that door? Exactly how are you going to lie your way out of that? Or are you just going to run instead?"