Penelope finally lifted her gaze over to her father as he argued against Crow. She supposed there was some truth in her father's words about careful not always being enough but it had worked for them this long so the chances for it going wrong seemed slim in her opinion. As his gaze landed on her, she frowned. She had thought her father was done trying to separate them after speaking with her mother but it seemed that wasn't the case now. It caused for a twinge of annoyance to spark in the knight. She wished she could tell John that that could change soon with Crow accepting the job but since she had promised not to say anything, she was just going to have to argue with him about it with a different point. She wasn't just going to accept his words though. "It's not like we wouldn't court if we could." she argued, shaking her head. "Just because it's not the courtship you want for me doesn't make it any less serious." "No, it makes it all the more serious and ridiculous because of what you're risking." John grumbled. "I'm not letting this go a step farther. I won't let you ruin your life for some snake who can't even think his action through." Penelope clenched her jaw, frustratedly. Feeling past frustration mixing with new, and shot her father a defiant look. "I'm not ruining it and he's not ruining me. I'd be ruining my life if I started doing everything you told me to. In fact, all you've done is try to take away the things that mean the most to me. My job, my freedom, and Crow. I'm not letting you control our relationship." John fell silent for a moment and held her gaze. Eventually he let out a snort and shook his head. "I don't remember raising you to be this reckless...I'm not ok with this, Penelope, and if I have to start fighting you on every turn, I will. I'm only trying to protect you and you'd be wise to remember I'm not the head of our family. And as for you," he looked at Crow and glared at him bitterly. "if you're not like your father then I suggest you start proving it before you sully a good woman's name like he did with your mother, boy."