Ah this looks like it could be some fun, lemmie know if you want anything changed [hider=Neras Vesuius] [u][b]Neras Vesuius[/b][/u] [b]Race:[/b] Dark Elf [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 68 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3myy4lk.jpg?1[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Neras is a cavalcade of different emotions, and he often comes across as something of a furtive, fractured person. He feels deep regret for the actions of his youth and has quite a calm (almost wearisome) temperament about him. But his experiences have left deep scars upon Neras, witnessing the firery desolate vistas of oblivion takes it's toll on the mind, even all those years later. Neras is far from completely shed of his old ways though, in spite of his hopes for redemption. He still possesses a manipulative cunning about him and will aim to bend and break rules to get ahead at every opportunity. [b]Class:[/b] Major: - Conjuration - Blade - Sneak Minor - Illusion - Block - Heavy Armour - Acrobatics [b]Equipment:[/b] Neras usually travels quite light, wearing a shabby set of robes. When in combat though he invariably conjures weapons and armour for himself. On his person though he does usually carry some general odds and ends, a handful of septims, some wine and Quill of Gemination. [b]History:[/b] Neras was only 19 when he joined the Mythic Dawn. Full of all the misplaced anger and ideals so typical of the young. The Dunmer eagerly soaked in the words of Mankar Camoran and pledged his life to the cause seeing himself and the cult as above the rest of Tamriel, awaiting the glorious ascension...Reality was to hit him hard. As the Oblivion crisis progressed Neras gradually started to become disillusioned with the cult, it was one thing to preach the destruction of the world, quite another to actually see it happen. Whispers reached him of how their promised paradise was anything but, speaking with Daedra and reading the Mysterium Xarses had a profound effect on him and by the time of the battle for the Imperial City Neras was nowhere to be seen. Though Mehrunes Dagon failed and Mankar was slain, life did not improve for Neras who was forced into hiding and ever on the move. Constantly he had to look over his shoulder for not only Imperials or the blades but resurgent members the Mythic Dawn looking to punish his desertion. To say nothing of the fact that it isn't ever wise to betray a Daedric Prince... Although life did go on for Neras there was a thought that ever troubled him and which no amount of wine could make it go away. Haunted by dreams and visions of a paradise that was not, and no longer was. In a fit of rage and madness Neras hatched a plan concocted of half-remembered, forbidden knowledge. And now he finds himself with a magical quill in his possession enrolled in a certain mercenary company. [/hider]