Fendros lifted his open hands. "Now, Saras, you must understand I would much [i]prefer[/i] that he is watched while he is here." He worried his brow. "His temper is worse than mine. Frankly, I'm surprised he has been as docile as you saw." He lowered his hands and exhaled. "That said, I..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I feel as though he is completely different from the person I knew. I know mother convinced him into this but it is as if all his little triggers, all his rules and principles are...missing. I don't understand." he lowered his eyes. "I never knew about him and Mournhold before today." [hr] Janius smiled and shook his head in disbelief. "If you don't want to spend time with her, Julan, just tell her. There is no need to lead her on if you would prefer not to." He turned and pat Julan on the back. "Either way, we're not leaving until dawn. We need all the daylight we can. You can think about what you want to do while you get your marks finished. Maybe the Hist will lead you out of your girl troubles."