Diana Prince came awake in the dark and nearly got out of her bed as if she was already in a battle. Then, she realized that she was sleeping in a luxurious hotel room instead of the battlefield. Her dreams felt so real as if she was reliving those moments. But, it became difficult to tell which war she dreamt about. Each of the wars that Diana fought in were almost identical besides its locations and reasons why it began. All of them caused so much suffering and loss regardless of justified cause. She could have listened to her husband and lived a peaceful life after fighting in both world wars. But, the world needed Wonder Woman. And for seventy-four years, she started a new battle against the development of nuclear weaponry and the rising military-industrial complex. With help from her husband and the squad, the World Veterans Federation was founded with the goals of promoting world peace and protecting veterans. But it still wasn't enough. The greatest superpowers of the world during the Cold War nearly destroyed the world a few times. She wanted to do something before man did something incredibly stupid like nuking the entire world. However, her husband wanted to live his remaining years in peace and quiet with the woman she loved. So, she did. Diana's train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Diana, are you awake?" a familiar voice was heard on the other side. She got out of her bed and went over to the wardrobe room in order to change into her dress. Today was the day where she planned on giving a speech at the twenty-ninth general assembly of the WVF. Once she was done with the dress, she told the person to come on in while she walked to the bathroom to do clear up a little. Etta Candy, Diana's personal security, walked into the room with a little grin on her face. Despite being the cold hearted badass of the group, she loved to travel around the world principally Paris. "Are you ready for the debrief, madam?" Candy asked Diana while scanning the bedroom. "Everyone's already here?" Diana asked confusedly while she was picking out the earrings. "Of course, madam. It is an important day after all." Etta answered with a smile on her face before she straighten up when Diana came out. She looked beautiful as always, she thought with her eyes looking at the dress. She responded with a cough and said, "It looks good." Before Diana could thank her security chief, she saw that her secretary had been staying there with her arms crossed and a grin on her face. Alana Dominguez was pretty damn good at her job given she was made responsible for most of the administrative work and decisions. Dominguez had served in the US military before going to school and getting her associate's degree a few years ago. Diana saw potential and hired her to be the new secretary. "Told you that dress looked good on you." Dominguez remarked. "Well, good thing that I listened to you." Diana gave her a light-hearted smile before walking out of the room with Candy and Dominguez following behind. She knew that it was the same procedure year after year with a few minor changes here and there. Until she found that her chief legal officer, Rachel Keast, had the entire conference room to herself. Without any warning, Diana dismissed both Dominguez and Candy before walking into the room. She knew that something serious was going to happen if Keast was in Paris instead of the United States. "It will be only a few." Diana gave a forced smile before closing the door on them. Then, she turned and looked at Keast trying to find the right words to say. "Keast, how was Washington?" "I am afraid that the rumors are true. The United States are looking into forming a committee on you and your activities. Everything you have ever done and said will be under a microscope. Then, they will decide what the best course will be. I am truly sorry, Diana." Keast said bluntly towards Diana while looking at her eyes with a serious expression. She had been looking rumors that the United States were planning something like this ever since the rise of superheroes. "Mankind is scared right now and what they need is-" "A scapegoat." Diana finished the sentence. She was clearly disappointed with the news after all she did for man and they repaid her by doing this. "How long do we have until they want my presence?" "It could be weeks or months before it's requested. But, an announcement of the committee's formation will happen on Friday. And they will start work on the following Monday. Other than that, we are in the dark." Keast answered the question and got up from her seat to comfort Diana. She wanted the rumors to be false so that Wonder Woman didn't have to deal with this attempt to deface her name. Everything that she had ever done could be ruined depending on the outcome. Even WVF was at risk. Keast placed a hand on Diana's shoulder and insisted, "My legal team and I will defend your name against the committee." "Thank you." Diana smiled but still had doubts about a good outcome of the committee.