John glared at Crow and opened his mouth to bicker further with the thief but didn't get the chance to as he announced that he'd be taking the job offer. The older knight wavered slightly and closed his mouth as he took in this new information, subtly glancing towards Penelope. Penelope met Crow's gaze and smiled faintly at him. She didn't like that her father had put him in a position where he felt the need to prove his care for her—especially in a way that made him admit to another person about taking the king's offer—but it still warmed her to hear his words. "That might have just been the smartest decision you've ever made." John grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest. Crow's words seemed to cool his anger slightly as he glanced between the two of them, his eyes still narrowed. "I suppose that means you're expecting me to approve of a courtship then?" Penelope shifted uneasily under the gaze of her father. "Well, I'd like you to... at some point." she mumbled, averting her gaze. She wasn't quite sure how courting would go between her and Crow once he rose to nobility. After all, the knight didn't really feel like anything between them would or should change. Aside from having to sneak around, she didn't find much wrong with how they acted and didn't see any reason to adhere to a traditional courtship now. The knight glanced over at the thief and shifted a little closer to him. "I plan to be with him, father.. He'll be a nobleman so you won't have any reason to worry about me losing anything and there will be no reason to argue about this any further." "I think about it. You two shouldn't even be together openly for a while anyways. I can't imagine that going over well with many people around here." John muttered with a glance at Crow. "You have a long ways to go before you've earned my blessing." He paused and let out a long sigh. "But at least you've taken one step in the right direction."