'It feels as though the world has given me another chance, indeed thou knowest endeavor was thy Holy Grail but I sense an ominous will aheadeth thy paths, it is as if thou purpose is neither desire related, but protecting the world from a threat, very well; I answereth my Lord's calling. ' Lancer has been summoned into the mortal realm, reminiscing his past and caught up momentarily by his alienating surroundings. The mere fact that his Master is a woman greatly baffled him. FYI '' Thoughts. "" Conversations. As long as his Lady resists his infamous Love Spot, Lancer would be fine, indeed, he had been giving his Lady the silent treatment by staying in the spirit form for quite a while now all because this Master is a woman. "Milady While I am thankful of your calling, frank will I be to you as much as it pains you to comprehend the truth, as a matter of fact it pains me more. I have experienced treacherous Lords and women whom I may specifically say, morons." Lancer expressed his thoughts about the consequences of summoning him and his displeasure towards his Master. "...though I sayeth nothing but the truth, if you know the legend of I, Diarmuid of the Love Spot, I do not promise you our survivability in this quest even though it is not a Holy Grail War. You will only embark on a tragic journey with me, Milady and I grant you these two options: Break your contract with me and find another servant or walk with me through the deepest hells and if you still insist, my loyalty is to you but I do not promise life afterward." Lancer further expressed his disappointment and mixed concerns towards his Master, it is just because she is a woman. '...If only she summoned me as a Saber.' [@Pie Flavor]