Crow frowned disappointedly as the knights prepared to leave. He’d been hoping to get at least a little more time alone with Penelope, since John had interrupted them earlier. However, he supposed he was expecting too much. The older knight was still clearly disgruntled about catching them sleeping together, so it made sense that he would want to separate them as soon as he could. Of course, that didn’t mean the thief had to like it. He let out a soft huff as John turned around to leave but chose not to argue about it, since he didn’t want to anger the other man while he was finally calming down. When Penelope leaned up to kiss his cheek, he softened a bit and turned to look at her. “I guess so,” he shrugged with a hapless smile. “Goodnight, love.” Though he wished she would stay with him longer, he supposed it would just have to be good enough that he would see her in the morning. Besides, it wasn’t like they had anything else to do if she lingered. He was too tired to hold much of a conversation, and her father had quite successfully killed the mood by walking in on them, so he didn’t really want to try being intimate with her again that night either. Honestly, the more he thought about it, the better sleep sounded to him at the moment. Once the knights left, Crow stretched languidly and wandered back to the side of the bed with a weary yawn. He slipped back out of his clothes, remembering how warm the layers of sheets had been the previous night, and laid down as his exhaustion from the long day finally caught up with him. Thinking over everything, it was hard to believe just how much had changed in the span of one day. Penelope was on her way to ending the war, he’d discovered that he had siblings, and he had decided that he was going to leave his lawless life behind to become his father’s ambassador. With his upcoming conversation with the king, he had a feeling that tomorrow wasn’t going to be any less crazy either. So, knowing that he was going to need as much rest as he could get, the thief settled down comfortably on his side and let out his breath in a slow exhale as he drifted off to sleep.