Dan had done really good at the start of the hike up the trail, but, as the crew went on Dans leg felt heavier and heavier with each step and large beads of sweat began to form on his face. With time his heart began to beat faster and faster. [quote=@prettydrops] "Wish we could have showed you the funner stuff, Margo. Actually, I kinda wish we had a car right now...." [/quote] "Tell me about it, damn." He said as he wiped the sweat off his brow. "I'm gonna need a break soon.... My hearts getting fast." He said "Hey! How have ya been?" He said with tired breaths as the Drampa touched down on the floor and as Indy bent to grab Twiggy to catch a ride on "That's Indy." He said pointing "And the girl's name is Margret." "What's HIS name?" Dan said, looking at the Drampa.