He sits up with a start. [i]What was that?![/i] He crawls over, following the falling path of the dragon. He walks over to the clearing, and tears the bush apart to dig the other dragon out of the grove she drove into the ground. "Are you ok?" He works at clearing away the dead and crushed bush until he can safely pull the dragoness out. She held a small pouch like it was all she owned in the world. He hurriedly checks her over for injures, and begins treating the worst wound, the right wing. From all appearances, she had gotten struck by lightning. Most unfortunate. For her. He fiddles with his Animus infused ring, and contemplates healing her. He shrugs, and uses a bit of his power to seal up her wounds. Satisfied, he sits and waits for her to wake up, turning his ring around so the ruby is hidden. Giving in to his curiosity, he looks in the bag she was holding. [i]I wonder what's so important about this bag?[/i]