[hr][hr][centre][img]https://serving.photos.photobox.com/0576078084e9c0509bee5b71921ecc2bc9e476c54b27fa1ca05b563b3e616d8a205b5628.jpg[/img] [/centre][hr]Interactions:[@The Lost Dae][hr] Freya had arrived in the dorm to blissful quiet, and immediately began unpacking her things in her own room. She travelled light, storing most of her things that she didn’t immediately need in Master Royle’s old laboratory, long since sealed shut, but she knew ways to get in. She placed a few books on the empty shelves, collected during her travels over the summer, their use more academic than practical, but still worth keeping a hold of. She unpacked her clothes, makeup, and other nick nacks within minutes, before sitting heavily on her bed, staring at the wall a feeling of heavy exhaustion pooling in her gut. She still remembered her first day at the university as if it had happened merely hours ago. The train, the speech, the food, just being around all the things she’d heard so much about during her first years after being taken in. The thing she remembered most strongly of all, however, was being alone for the very first time. It’d been terrifying – thirteen years old and stuck in a room full off older students with terrifying and powerful abilities, she’d gone running back to Master Royle within the hour. He’d just smiled. Told her that if she was too scared to stay in her dorm that night she was welcome to stay in his quarters, but he really wanted her to try the dorm. So she’d gone back, and she hadn’t been scared since. Strangely enough, the thought of that safety net helped. It hadn’t mattered if she fell, he would’ve been there to catch her, with an accepting smile and probably a mug of hot chocolate. It wasn’t like that this year. Nobody was going to catch her anymore. It was a cold, lonely realisation, and it grated on her already frayed nerves. She grit her teeth. Whatever. She wasn’t a kid anymore. She could deal. At that moment, a shout rang out from the corridor. Great. Roommates. She hadn’t recognised any of the names on the list – probably a bunch of firsties. She got to her feet, mild boredom overruling her better instinct to stay out of their way at all costs, and stuck her head around the door. Jesus [i]Christ[/i] – was she [i]giggling[/i]? Freya took in her new roommate with a look of horror. She was younger than Freya – mid teens if she had to guess, with bobbed hair and a look like if someone didn’t tie her down stat she might just start bouncing off the walls. Freya narrowed her eyes. Nope. This would not do at all. Best put the fear of god into her now before she got any funny ideas about what she’d be getting away with. She stepped fully out from her room, arms folded, expression cold, [color=B2C8CC]“Listen, you,"[/color] she began, voice low and dangerous, [color=B2C8CC]“Don’t know about you, but I’m here to [i]work[/i]. You’d better not be like this all the time. Cool it.”[/color]