[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180730/6d0eb8eebd1e01359010e7af173b138f.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/q0fJIQz.gif[/img] [sub][color=#D2652C]Location:[/color] Home Sweet Home [color=#D2652C]Interacting with:[/color] Big Brother, Julie MacMillan[/sub][/center][indent][indent][indent][indent][hr][hr][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][indent][indent]The sound of rugged snores filled the silent and nearly dark bedroom. The source of the snores, Chanel Martin, lay fast asleep in a crumpled heap on her king-sized mattress, her mouth slightly open and a trail of drool running down her cheek and onto her pillow. There was a gentle snuffling of air through her nose, but gradually, as she began to rise back to consciousness, it became a wheezing sound interspersed with a slight trembling of her body. With a dropped jaw, buggy eyes, and sweaty palms, the young woman’s hot, salty head popped up from the pillow in a heart-pounding state of emergency. But after a split second of massively intense panic, it suddenly dawned upon her that she was still, in fact, in her bedroom. Shortly after that, an all too familiar feeling began to well up in the pit of her stomach; in swift motions, Chanel leaned over the edge of her bed, reached for a nearby trash can and emptied the contents of her stomach. Chanel couldn't recall most of what happened the night before; the alcohol had made sure of that. In fact, the only thing Chanel [i]could[/i] remember after about half-way through the homecoming dance was stumbling back to the parking lot with Jordan and Julie so that they could all catch an Uber back to their respective homes. She wasn't entirely sure how she managed to make it back into her house, let alone up two flights of stairs to her bedroom. The only source of light, thanks to her blackout curtains, came from the muted flat screen television that was mounted on Chanel's bedroom wall. She could tell that the eleven o'clock news was on, but realized that as she settled back into her bed, she struggled to read the subtitles without the usual aid of her contact lenses. Chanel began to feel around in the dark, her hands gliding over the bed sheets and the cool, wooden surface of her nightstand. She didn't stop doing this until her fingers finally closed around what she was searching for: her cell phone. The young woman took a quick look through her notifications, responding to a couple of texts and accepting a few new friend requests before laying back in her original position. It didn't take long for her to drift back off into a deep, peaceful sleep. [indent][indent][indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=gray][i][b]"Rise and shine, kid,"[/b][/i][/color] Andre Martin said in his thunderous voice, causing Chanel to stir in her sleep as he began to draw the curtains. It was the bright beams of sunlight that shone through her bedroom window that finally woke her out of her slumber; she held up one of her hands, shielding the rays from her eyes as she grumbled and moaned in protest. Of course, her older brother ignored her as he continued on. [color=gray][b][i]"It smells like vomit and bad decisions in here,"[/i][/b][/color] the boy said as he pulled open one of her windows, [color=gray][b][i]"Let's let some air in, shall we? Air out this funky ass room a bit."[/i][/b][/color] Normally, this would've earned him a smart retort from his little sister. But since she wasn't exactly in the necessary state of mind to go back and forth with him, she simply turned on her other side, putting her back to him and the sunlight. [color=#D2652C][b]"Get the [i]fuck[/i] out of my room, Dre,"[/b][/color] Chanel said, [color=#D2652C][b]"I just want to lay here."[/b][/color] [color=gray][i][b]"Nah, I'm good,"[/b][/i][/color] the boy said as he made his way towards Chanel's bathroom, [color=gray][i][b]"It's almost noon; you can't sleep the day away. Besides, you got a visitor downstairs."[/b][/i][/color] Soon after he said this, the young man made his way out of the bathroom, a cup of water in one hand and two aspirins in the other. He set these items down on her nightstand before heading to the bedroom door. [color=gray][i][b]"Julie's waiting for you, so hurry up... and make sure you toss my clothes back into my room after you get dressed."[/b][/i][/color] After he shut the door behind him, Chanel reluctantly kicked off her comforter and sat up in bed, her head pounding and her body aching. It was in that moment that she realized what her brother meant by his last statement; looking down, Chanel saw that she was no longer wearing her homecoming ensemble. Instead, she was dressed in a loose fitting pair of basketball shorts and a wrinkled [i]"I Love My HBCU"[/i] T-shirt. Vague memories of the night before suddenly flashed through her mind. She could faintly remember yelling at her brother as he helped her up the stairs... something about not wanting to ruin her beautifully handmade dress by sleeping in it. In slow, painful motions, Chanel slid her feet into her slippers and stood up, stretching out her limbs as she did so. She then grabbed the pills and glass of water before exiting her bedroom and beginning her journey down the staircase. By the time she reached the bottom, she'd already swallowed down the pills, and her glass was in great need of a refill. Chanel spotted her best friend in the hallway staring at the pictures that hung on the wall. Unlike Chanel, Julie Macmillan looked pretty well put together; there was no way someone would be able to guess that she'd been drinking her weight in vodka the night before. [color=#D2652C][b]"God,"[/b][/color] the young woman groaned as she approached her friend, [color=#D2652C][b]"How are you even [i]functioning[/i] right now?"[/b][/color] [/indent][/indent]