[center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmFjYWJhYS5SM0psZVNBLC4x/stefan.regular.png [/img] [hr] [/center] Eventually, Drake and the lizard-man wandered off, and Grey was left alone on the bench with Albert, who was just finishing his hot dog and starting on a brown paper cup of fries. Out on the beach, the carnival was in full swing. Obnoxious pop music blasted out of enormous black speakers. In the distance, a local rock band set up on a small wooden stage. A food truck called "Garbanzo's Burgers" had set up at the edge of the boards where the fence parted; the smells of frying chickpeas wafted through the air. Grey's stomach rumbled loudly. They looked around and, shrugging, got up to walk towards the food truck. As they walked, they looked through the growing crowd: a few familiar faces jumped out at them. In an alley beside a shop selling novelty marijuana paraphernalia, Gonzo talked to two fraternity brothers wearing salmon shorts and matching black sunglasses. Gonzo nodded, and nodded his head towards the alley. The two exchanged looks, then followed him into the dark. Grey shrugged and got into line at the food truck. They would have a word with Gonzo later about being more discreet in the touristry districts.