[centre][b]O X Y M O R O N[/b] /ɒksɪˈmɔːrɒn/ [i]noun[/i] A figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true). [b]---[/b] [b]b a c k g r o u n d p l o t[/b] In the near future of our current world the human race had recently found a paranormal species called the 'vampires' that are more powerful than our own race of humans. Due to the International government they decided to commit genocide to the vampire race. Which cause the targeted race to outrage to this monstrosity and declare war. Now the two races are like a oxymoron, two races opposite to each other yet stuck in one planet. [b]f o r e g r o u n d p l o t[/b] You are at New York, the city that never sleeps and now known as the darkest city that ever existed. It's the year 2030 and you are currently surviving from mortal hunters that kills the opposite species, vampires for whatever reason you decide or from the blood sucking, man like form that can kill you any time given. [b] r u l e s [/b] - no god moding - - no killing of characters, only npcs - - maximum level of violence, drug use and sexual references are not allowed just take it to the pms (when the pms are fixed) - - don't have every character have a 'forbidden love', just one pair of characters will do - - no disharmony in the occ area at all - - we start when most people are online, so it gives everyone a fair chance for everyone to roleplay equally - - enjoy yourself and have fun - [b]c h a r a c t e r s h e e t[/b] [Full Name] [1 or 2 Pictures/Gifs Of Your Character] [Race] [Age] || [Gender] || [Sexual Orientation] [Other Information] [b]---[/b] [/centre] Have any other questions? Feel free to ask.