[@Eviledd1984] [center][h1]Liliana Russo[/h1][/center] Lili took the knife that the man was handing her. "Yes, I can do that, I've used--" The young woman's speech was cut short by a low, guttural moan a little too close behind her. She looked over her shoulder and noticed a young girl who couldn't have been older than 9 or 10 making her way towards them, and something within Lili snapped. She lunged towards the girl to close the distance between them, and when she was within reach, she shoved the knife as deep as it would go into the girl's head, inflicting the wound just above the girl's left ear. "¡Muérete hija 'e puta!" Lili yelled in her native tongue, the rage she felt over Liam's death suddenly surfacing as she inflicted more damage by stabbing the young girl again and again. After Lili had stabbed her a third time, she forcibly pulled the knife out of the side of the girl's head and kicked her in the chest hard enough for the young girl to fall on her back. Lili didn't feel any mercy for that thing. If the girl would have been the sweet little kid she was raised to be, then Lili would have protected her to the moon and back, but she wasn't a child, or human for that matter. Not anymore. Lili's face bared no emotion as she knelt over the girl and with both hands, plunged the tip of the knife between her eyes. Lili was breathing hard by that point, but she was far from done. She pulled the knife and stood up to rejoin her partner in crime, wiping the hand that was slightly covered in blood on the side of her shirt. "Not bad, huh? She was, uh...easy. Come on, let's go."