Letha instinctively knew that Allison needed a safe place to stay just from the way she spoke and acted. “Please, come on in.” She said with a smile as she put Minnie down, and picked up the basket of grapes that she had just picked. She led Allison down a somewhat clear path to a back door. The door hinges showed clear signs of rust, but the door was still hanging on. Letha held the door open for Allison and the dogs that had followed them. The door they entered led to the work side of the house, with the kitchen on their left, a hallway ending at a set of stairs to their right, and a hall leading to another door straight ahead of them. The largest of the dogs walked past Allison and pushed it’s way through the door in front of them. “You can follow Midas into the other room, and warm up by the fireplace if you want. I’ll make us something to eat.” Said Letha as she pushed the door to. If Allison did follow the dogs she would find herself in a large room divided in half by a large fireplace. On one side of the fireplace would be a living room setup, and on the other would be a dining table and buffet. The dogs would all find comfortable places to sit or lay down, leaving only the floor or a chair that faced the front door for Allison. Letha took the grapes into the kitchen and fired up both ovens before going to the main living area. She adjusted the front door to where it was completely closed, and barricaded it with a bat that slid into holders on each side of the door. She then went out to the smoke house and brought in some meat before starting to make a loaf of quick bread and some cookies. While the bread and cookies were baking she cleaned, peeled, and cut up some fruits and vegetables. Letha put each plate in the serving window as she finished filling them, and then she came out to the living area where she transferred each plate to the buffet. She took five bowls and 2 plates out from under the buffet, and filled the bowls with food for the dogs in the living room. “Come and get it.” She said putting the bowls on the floor along the wall.