[center][hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190308/dfaf91296f950a7e722ceab5295ad7df.png[/img] [@Landaus Five-One][@GrizzTheMauler] [hr] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7DHY029KdtA/WQqNj1HaPyI/AAAAAAAAEUA/uJuM0o0vOCoTYzTuex1Z7RnMvau0_qCngCJoC/w530-h416-n-rw/CHBC1.jpg[/img] [/center] Voltaire stopped mid-step and landed the airborne foot onto the stone floor with a bit of force, rolling his eyes as he heard someone calling out to him from behind. A quiet sigh left as he shuffled slowly around to face whoever it was that decided to play nice with him. It was [b]WAY[/b] too early for him to be dealing with people let alone feint being friendly just to get whoever it was off his back. His head rose up to look at Vilkas with an expression one would expect from a grumpy old man [color=406498][b]"Voltaire."[/b][/color] A bit of irritated state seeped into his voice [color=406498][b]"Like I would tell you that. I have literally just woken up, so forgive me if I am little irritable."[/b][/color] The snark in his tone suggested he was anything but sorry for his attitude. He had just got done speaking when Stephanie joined their little conversation and he couldn't hide the low groan as her pressed the side of his against his forehead [color=406498][b]"Great, another one."[/b][/color] He said under his breath but did little to lower his voice enough not to be heard, although it was a relief that the two knew each other. That meant he could drop mister big and scaly off on her and he could continue his day as planned [color=406498][b]"Name's Voltaire. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sure you can entertain each other well enough."[/b][/color] A clearly forced smile accompanied a nod as he turned around once more to set out towards the mess hall. [color=406498][b]"For Arun's sake, people are freaking chatty in the morning."[/b][/color] He mumbled to himself as he reached the stairs. Voltaire was just happy the whatever the hell that tree thing was and the giant dog didn't come to speak to him as well. A majority of the residents here didn't mind sharing details about their past but he couldn't be more eager to forget it and move on. He wasn't here to wallow in self-pity or pretend there wasn't real problems out there that needed to be fixed. The sooner he ate and got his damn coffee the sooner he could start working on how to solve them. After all, people only really cared about themselves so why bother getting to know any of them. Everyone disappoints you eventually.