[@Heretic] [color=f7941d][h1] [center]Abraham MacLachlan[/center] [/h1][/color] Abraham watched the girl taking action and defending herself and attacking these things, Smiling when she spoke to him and nodding his head. "Not bad" He said thinking she had the killer instinct that reminded him of himself when he was starting out, Leading her across what looked like a dining room using the fire ax to decapitating these things. Heading towards a double door that would lead into the basement, Scanning the area and seeing more of those things hanging around. The sight and stench of the half eaten was getting to him, Even with the experiences of committing terrible deeds. The smell was something that has always bothered him. Moving or rather walking quickly towards the double door, Hitting the creatures in the chest or legs so the two of them could continue on. Making sure she was not being left behind or surrounded by those things. Finally making his way towards the door and opening it noticing their was more of those things behind said door. Most of them looking like maintenance workers and low paid security guys, "If we can get though the rent a cops then we should be able to get to the security room, But by now i do not know if that is even safe" He said feeling hesitate that no where is safe.