[url=https://ibb.co/HC0MnY5][img]https://i.ibb.co/ZS3wWKq/Aeries-Name.jpg[/img][/url] [@NorthernKraken] As the much older woman stepped out of the room and spoke Aeries would practically appear in front of her almost bouncing on the spot, "Sorry, yes, no I'm not always hyper, I like books, lots of reading, and people! people are fun, well except that scary one on the train talking about stealing powers, but you look so cool, I like your tattoos." She would almost vomit the words at the woman who seemed to embody the very definition of punk rock. While it's true that Aeries had used a small portion of her time ability to speed herself up it was a relatively small amount only having used a few seconds, she quite often used it like this throughout the day, it allowed her to do things quicker and as she relied purely on instincts to use her powers at this point it would seem natural to her own movements. The woman seemed to be attempting to put on an authoritarian air and Aeries found that to be interesting, not so much scary as other students who knew Freya may have found it, she wanted to know more and it would take her a few seconds to formulate the questions in her mind that she wanted to ask. "So I'm Aeries, What's your name? What year are you in, you look older than Me, are you? I'm 15, What type of magic do you use, have you been practicing long." Aeries seemed to be hyping herself up further and further the longer she stood there.