[@LuckyBlackCat][@Karkinos] [b][color=fff79a]HARUKO SONADA[/color][/b] A huge grin spread from ear to ear, fists curled and held to her chest in restrained defiance. Sweet victory, she thought, which quickly soured to bitter sweet as she glanced around at the aftermath. The buildings, frankly, she didn’t care about. She was in that blissful age where -someone- would fix it, easy peasy. The girls, however, were a different story. They couldn’t wander up to a hospital and explain this, could they? Dropping onto her behind, arms splayed behind her to keep her from altogether laying back on the floor, a noise of discontentment escaped her lips. [color=fff79a]“Aki, noooo! We fought hard for that—just ‘cause someone hit it last doesn’t mean they earned it!”[/color] If she had the energy left from her crazed flailing, Haruko certainly would have dog-piled Aki for the crystal. It had to go to one of those present, as in, inside the damn building! How unfair! Of course, with the attention span nearing goldfish levels, a girl in… to Hakuro’s mind, a bunny-maid outfit, had captured her. Her attire was much less flashy and childish, compared to the citrus tones of fools-attire that graced the young Haruko. Throwing herself back onto her feet, dusting off the frilling trimmings of her dress, a hand was thrown forwards. Covered in dust and debris from her actions. [color=fff79a]“Nice to meet’cha! I’m Haruko, new too! We can be learning buddies!”[/color] Run, RUN. - - - - - - - - - - - - [color=598527][i]Kumiko Suzuki[/i][/color] Down the barrel, 3 girls rimmed with the black lines of a cross-hair. One lazy, dull green eye blinked slowly while watching them. 3, now 4 when that bright yellow offence of a jester stood up from the floor. The dot of a cross-hair fell slowly, so deliberately to the crystal in Aki’s possession. It inspired a slight frown. Pulling away from the rifle and standing upright from the crouching behind an abandoned office window, her presence may have been felt. She was a bit away, but magic was an unmistakable thing. She left the building as silently as she had crept into it, taking extra large footsteps at the door. Once she passed them, metal jaws snapped uselessly from the bottom of the door frames, before fading into nothing.