[color=0072bc]"73, I want you to know-"[/color] Tristan began to say before going into a fit of coughing. He had never tried a cigar before, but he had a feeling that the pain he felt while trying to breath was similar to what a hard smoker would feel after years of doing nothing but. [color=0072bc]"If I don't make it, you need to know this,"[/color] he struggled to say, lifting his hand into the air as she continued to carry him away from the angry mob. As if for dramatic tension, the hero would find himself incapable of continuing his message to the demon princess, not until Charlotte found herself able to ask him what his important message was. [color=0072bc]"I want you to know... that you are... without a doubt... THE ABSOLUTE WORST GODDAMN COMPANION I'VE EVER HAD THE MISFORTUNE OF PARTYING UP WITH!"[/color] he shouted, the immense anger he felt toward the girl temporarily overriding the immense pain he felt from trying to speak. Though his criticism would immediately be followed by more coughing. As soon as he was able to, he promised himself that this fiery redhead would receive a hard [i]thwack [/i]to the back of the head for all the trouble she had caused him. Shifting to his side to look behind Charlotte, he chose to acknowledge the presence of their new party member. [color=0072bc]"So what's your story, slime? Were you shanghaied into having to work for this airhead as well?"[/color] Tristan asked C-3, unaware that the small, gelatinous girl identified herself as a the great beasts of calamity that rules the skies of many a fantasy world. Not that he cared. It would only solidify her position as the 51st companion he'd met to have such a wish.