[color=cccccc]The opening post is now up. Before we get involved in any sort of GM led story, I'll let everyone have a chance to have their characters interact. In addition, it'll allow you to start building relationships with the other writers. After everyone has had the opportunity to get a few posts in we'll get started with the official first chapter. What that will entail is me releasing some articles from The London Times newspaper. Each article will in essence be a questline that your character will follow and in certain instances will be right up their alley. For example I might write an article about a crack down on racing which would be an obvious shout out to our resident racer Suji. Multiple people can RP in certain articles or if you want to RP an article yourself, that's totally cool too. These RP articles will pretty much be free form and i'll allow you the creativity to create the general direction you want to go in. If you get too far out there I will reign it in a bit but for the most part, this is where you guys can take control of the story. It's more to do with the fact that if for example everyone wanted to do a user chapter on their own, i'd need to be replying to you all separately which would be way too time consuming. So once the articles are out, please let me know which interests you and i'll PM you a bit of background, what other people are interested in the article and some general plot points that i'd like you to consider. [hider=Potential example of PM to you after your article choice] [b]Article Title:[/b] Corporations Look to Ban Racing [b]Interested People: CosmicComet, CaptainSully[/b] [b][u]Plot Points[/u][/b] [color=a2d39c]•[/color] The police are cracking down on the illegal street races. Cars are being impounded and racers are being locked up. [color=a2d39c]•[/color] Spectators of the races are being sought to try and provide names of the organisers and key people behind the race organisation. [color=a2d39c]•[/color] Suji is a key target given her fame and there is increased surveillance around her known hangouts. [color=a2d39c]•[/color] Sik is out shopping when he sees a commotion near Jin's with a well known racers car being removed. [hr] [i]So I have provided Comet and Sully with a basic idea of the world around their characters. From there they can choose to write on their own but preferably they'd decide on something to get their characters to meet up. So they may decide to have Suji running away and bumping into Sik who may offer to help her evade the police, spending the chapter avoiding arrest. This could also be a way for them to realise they actually know each other even if they have never met. Another option could be Sik already knows Suji and see's her being arrested and tries to save her. Maybe neither is in trouble but bump into each other and start talking. Theres plenty of freedom here for you. If you want to go solo for a chapter even with interest from others then I can accept that but i'd try and suggest people avoid going down that route. Also, if there isn't an article you like and have a suggestion or idea for you or other characters then please let me know. This is about building something together, not just me force feeding you stuff.[/i] [/hider] What we will need to do is look at working out who knows each other outside of the Universe and in what capacity. For example Sik may know Suji as her user and obviously he'll know her in the Universe, but he may not know they are the same person. Basically there isn't as much of a taboo around knowing a persons real identity within the Universe as there was with RPO. However to help work out who knows who will benefit us all when it comes to the interactions in the real world.[/color]