[@QueenNugget] Damien took a drag of his vape, he was staring at his phone screen rather impatiently when he saw Rhea's messages pop up. He placed his vape back in his pocket, exhaled, and then began furiously typing once more. [Color=Thistle]"This fuckin school's layout is more complicated than my last relationship." "That's what took so long." "But yea, I was planning to come over anyways"[/color] Damien started for the door when something dawned on him. He pulled his phone back out. [Color=Thistle]"Wait" "Where the hell is 25 A?" "I think I lost my map or whatever" "Nvm" "I'll figure it out"[/color] With that, Damien decided that even though he really didn't know where anything was, he was determined to find his way around. These dorm buildings couldn't be that far from each other.