[@Aviaire][@QueenNugget] Seeing Liors try to sneak out without eating, Zane seemed to teleport. The only thing revealing the truth of the matter was a woosh of air, sending a cool breeze through the room. Now behind her, Zane lifted the small girl with one arm. Moving over to the table where he set up breakfast, he sat her down and handed her some utensils to eat with. [color=green]"Rule number one of living here, you [i]will[/i] eat proper meals."[/color] Zane spoke coldly, his eyes promising pain upon disobedience, [color=green]"I don't care whatever else you do, you could unleash a horde of zombies upon the unfortunate students, or summon an eldritch horror from beyond comprehension, but you will eat when I've cooked or I will make hell itself look like a tropical vacation."[/color] Having finished his tirade, he dug into his own breakfast, pulling a bottle of ketchup out of his bag, giving a pointed glare to the other two to eat.