[@QueenNugget][@Ryteb Pymeroce] Damien squinted several times while trying to figure out the wall of text that Rhea had sent him - a classic Rhea response. He continued to walk and looked up and down every split second while replying to her. [Color=Thistle]"Hell yea. u bttr have a full spply of sparkling water" "*better *supply" "Kind of hard to type while walkin over to your place" "but i haven't had any sicne u fuckin left after high school and went all incognito on evryone" "also they better vegan otpions" "no animal cruelty here"[/color] He wasn't paying attention to where exactly he was going, he was just passing by the different rooms in the apartment. He paused and looked up from his phone when he heard a voice say something along the lines of "eating proper meals". Damien had a feeling this might be connected to the breakfast that Rhea was talking about. The room number matched the room she said she was staying in as well. Damien was about to knock, but then shrugged and turned the doorknob instead, walking in. [Color=Thistle]"Got room for one more? Rhea said something about breakfast and I want in."[/color] He announced before pausing for a second and adding, [Color=Thistle]"Oh yeah, my name's Damien by the way. Nice to meet you guys too."[/color]