[hr][hr][centre][img]https://serving.photos.photobox.com/0576078084e9c0509bee5b71921ecc2bc9e476c54b27fa1ca05b563b3e616d8a205b5628.jpg[/img] [/centre][hr]Interactions:[@The Lost Dae][hr] Freya stared, jaw dropping as the girl, Aeries apparently, talked… and talked… and talked. What in the name of the All-consumer was wrong with this kid? How… how was her mouth moving so [i]fast[/i]? After a moment of somewhat dazed, stunned silence, Freya blinked, surprised to no longer be ensconced in the words Aeries practically spewed forth. The shock gave way to the, more comforting, irritation she was familiar with as she clenched her jaw. Fucking firsties. Didn’t know who they were messing with. [color=B2C8CC] “Freya.” [/color] She ground out eventually, figuring the girl would just continue to talk at her if she didn’t give her some information at least, [color=B2C8CC] “The rest is none of your goddamn business. Except… [/color]” her dark lips twisted into a smirk, as she allowed her eyelids to flutter momentarily. The air around her, around Aeries in particular, was vibrating frenetically. Still. Freya shook her head, focused on the underlying stillness – the natural rhythm of things before Aeries had thrown it all into chaos. And then, carefully, began to draw the excess movement – sound, from the world around them. It seemed, perhaps, that particular ability of hers was going to prove itself useful in the coming year. Everything was quiet. Finally. Her shoulders loosened as she made her way to the small kitchen, filling up the kettle to boil water for a cup of tea.