Kjolmar shook his head at Olli's question. "It does that all the time. I don't think it's trying to be rebellious or something, it seems rather pleased with me most of the time. I guess it just wants to do it's own will and doesn't fully understand it's not a wild pokemon anymore." Kjolmar got a flashback of Emolga's behavior in the past, when it's disobedience caused him to lose a gym battle. Only minutes later, it had hugged Kjolmar for feeding it. "I don't fully understand it myself but I believe it will grow more dependable over time. Well, I definitely hope so." While moving along, Kjolmar asked Olli a question that was burning on his lips. "Are you going to catch a Kalos pokemon too, Olli? Or are you fine with your team as it is for now?"