[color=8882be]"I, Um. Ok,"[/color] Liors replied meekly, picking up a fork. It didn't seem like she had any kind of choice in the matter. She poked at her food gingerly, staring at it for a minute, before she took a quick glance around the room. Everyone seemed occupied. Liors shrugged to herself and took a bite of a sausage. Ah. That was good. So she took another bite. And another. And another, until it wasn't long before the only thing left to eat was the ceramic plate. Had she eaten too fast? It was good, though. She'd hardly even noticed another person come in. She didn't know who he was, but it was safe to guess that he was a friend of Rhea's. Damien, he'd said his name was. Liors muttered her thanks to Zane as she stood up, leaving her plate in the sink. [color=8882be]"I'll, um, I can wash them later. When you're all done,"[/color] she said. She picked up her things again, and made for the door once more. Gardens. Practice. Whatever came next, she would figure it out.