[b]Only post once until everyone has posted[/b] The Forest of Algeran. A peaceful clearing is suddenly filled with a blinding light. All throughout Chessia, for just a moment, Pawns have only one thought. Hope. And then it is gone. They're back to their lives of servitude to Crucin. Back to their lives of poverty. But in that clearing, hope has been manifested. In the form of 10 young people. Some of them from Chessia, others from a completely different world, where magic is a thing of stories. The Chessboard Rebellion has just gained the advantage over Crucin. Chessia is about to be cast into chaos. (Keep in mind that you don't have your weapons or your powers yet.) John awoke in a clearing. "What the hell!" he exclaimed. This was nothing like the snowy street where he had just been walking with friends. He looked around him and saw that there were other people, around his age, even one in full armor. They were laying in the lush green grass of this forest clearing. The clearing was encircled by giant trees, with leaves of green, red, orange, yellow, purple, pink, even blue. At this point he was still the only one awake. What was that in the distance? Was it shouting? Marching? Just a figment of his imagination perhaps. He sighed and continued looking around for some trace of how he had gotten here.