Markus looked out of the curtains as Calliope left, positive she would be able to handle the Prince. Though his appearance blatantly confirmed what he had already suspected. As he and the Princess were engaging, he recalled the moment over and over in his head. That knife had been meant for him. Only by the grace of the Gods, or the hunger of the Princess, changed his fate and the knife flew into her back as she turned Markus over to be on bottom. By why would anyone kill him? The only person he had embarrassed was Achmed, and his presence here all but confirmed that suspicion. He hadn't come to see Calliope, he had come to see if the assassination was completed. He simply had not counted on the Princess making an appearance and taking the knife that was meant for Markus. It was a pity though. Markus wasn't overly charitable, but the Princess had done nothing but been interested in having a bit of fun, and she was now dead for it. Oh well, it mattered little now. What he needed to do now was think. He didn't want to move the bodies yet. Their presence might somehow be used to his and Calliope's advantage. It was a short second before Calliope knocked on the door thrice, and Markus let her in and closed the door behind her. He now had his surcoat on, along with his trousers securely fastened by his silk belt. "He's asleep, but my spell will only last so long as his body will flow with sleep naturally. What do you propose we do?" she remarked. Markus informed her of his theory, and she rolled her eyes briefly. Not at Markus, but at the possibility that Achmed would be petty enough to hire an assassin to kill someone who helped save his life over jealousy. "I'm not surprised, but again how do you wish to proceed?" "We won't be able to convince Achmed of anything, if he's behind this. But all we need to do is convince his father." Markus said, thinking aloud. "Do you know the Vortarae Animo?" Referring to the spell that could subtly alter the mind. Calliope snapped, nodding. "And if the subject sleeps, it's easier to realign the mind." she finished for him. Markus winked. "Aye. I'll bring Achmed in here and place him on the bed. You can then beguile his mind into thinking the Princess and he were chased into my chambers while I lay in the central area or your chambers, either one, having not retired in here. We'll bring the assassin to the garden's, dead by my hand. Then the Sultan can only reward me." "I cannot change Achmed's knowledge of him hiring the assassin, assuming he did." "No matter, it'll only add to his confusion. We'll bring drink in here. At least 3 empty bottles." It was sloppy, but still liable to work, and the best thing they could do under these circumstances. "I'm surprised you let the Princess beguile you. Let your guard down?" she smirked. Markus laughed. "I didn't know it was her until she had a knife shoved into her back." [@Penny]