Ridahne smiled. "Humans seem to think 103 is a lot, yes. But by our standards I am young. The Sota Sol is 435 years old, and there was a woman in my village who was 581. A healthy elf can live to about 600. We're not immortal like some people like to think, but we do live a long time. I can't imagine only living to 60 though...how do you have time to choose a career? Are they picked for you? And even then, how do you have time to train? I was scouted out for mine around...ah...twenty five? I didn't train right away, I spent some time on the family boat fishing--it's what we've done for centuries. I think I actually left home and started training at around thirty two, and I was not given my blade until I was fifty. And then it was another ten or so years before I officially became a--" Ridahne stopped herself, mouth still open as she tried to come up with a way to divert the subject gracefully. But nothing came. She'd gone too far, gotten too relaxed. She swore to herself that she would not lie to Darin, and she had a nagging sense that if she did, bad things would happen to her, or perhaps she wouldn't be able to at all. But that didn't mean she was ready to reveal all her skeletons just yet. They had only just met after all. What would Darin think of her if she knew not just what she'd done to earn execution and exile, but what she was? The elf clamped her mouth shut and focused back down on the reins in her hands. The storm was getting closer and raindrops were imminent; she could smell the change in the air and while she liked the smell of rain and the sound of it out the window at night, she did not want to be caught in it. She was silent as she gave Tsura his head and let him gallop after Talbot, except when she eventually found a potential spot for camp and whistled sharply to catch Darin's attention. Ridahne veered off the road, checking her horse to a walk as she investigated a cluster of boulders that formed an overhang, almost like a small cave. It wasn't much, but it would be dry. She hitched Tsura up with a long lead so he had a little room to move and began to quickly gather some wood before it got wet so they could have a fire. "Do you know how to make a fire?" She asked Darin as she piled up a stock of wood.